Inédita de Damon Albarn solo


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Por: Revista NOIZE



Você já pode ouvir mais uma faixa do próximo disco solo de Damon Albarn, “Everyday Robots”.

Para ouvir e baixar “Heavy Seas Of Love” é simples: clique aqui para entrar no site do Genero.TV. Você precisa se cadastrar no site para poder ouvir a música. Só tem um porém: a faixa vem com uma marca d’água, já que deve ser, por enquanto, exclusiva do site.


Ouça “Heavy Seas Of Love” e acompanhe com a letra abaixo:

When your soul isn’t right
And it’s raw to the night
It’s in your hands
When the traces of dark come
To fade in the light
You’re in safe hands

Heavy seas of love
Radiance is in you
As above so below
On the heavy seas of love

Heavy seas of love
We come together in you
Counting out the new moons
On the heavy seas of love

When the world is to tall
You can jump you won’t fall
You’re in safe hands
What the day will now give
How those seeds will now live
It’s in your hands

Heavy seeds of love
Radiance is in you
As above so below
On the heavy seas of love

Heavy seas of love
We come together in you
As above so below
On the heavy seas of love

Heavy seeds of love
Radiance is in you
As above so below
On the heavy seas of love

Heavy seas of love
We come together in you
As above so below
As above so below
On the heavy seas of love

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Revista NOIZE