Radiohead lança o 1º clipe do seu novo disco: “Burn The Witch”


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Por: Ariel Fagundes

Fotos: Reprodução


Tudo está acontecendo. Após um hiato de cinco anos, o Radiohead lançou agora o primeiro single do seu novo disco. “Burn The Witch” é o nome da faixa que abre os trabalhos do nono álbum de estúdio do grupo, que ainda não teve seu nome anunciado.

Dirigido por Chris Hopewell, o clipe é todo feito em animação de stop-motion e mostra uma realidade sombria mascarada por uma estética fofa. Assista:


Veja abaixo fotos dos bastidores da produção do clipe:

A photo posted by @stanleydonwood on

A photo posted by @stanleydonwood on

A photo posted by @stanleydonwood on

So I guess we just made a Radiohead video! It's for their new track 'Burn the Witch'. Thank you all for your kind words – it does mean a lot to know it's going down well. The whole video was conceived, designed, built and animated in 14 days, we finished last Thursday. I am immensely proud of everyone that worked their asses off on it – for many of them it was their first film. I shall introduce them in later posts… But for now thank you! You where all bloody brilliant!!! Big love to you all! #Radiohead #burnthewitch #musicvidio

A photo posted by Jacknife – Chris Hopewell (@jacknifeprints) on

Here's some of the cast of our video for Radiohead's 'Burn the Witch'. We had a crew of about 12 working round the clock on this for the build of the puppets and the sets – then a smaller team animating – all the while building the next props for the next scene! #Radiohead #burnthewitch #musicvidio #shortfilm @radiohead

A photo posted by Jacknife – Chris Hopewell (@jacknifeprints) on

The square in our quant little village with director Chris Hopewell looming over the set like a foolishly grinning giant. See more at @radiohead #musicvidio #burnthewitch #Radiohead

A photo posted by Jacknife – Chris Hopewell (@jacknifeprints) on

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Editor - Revista NOIZE // NOIZE Record Club //
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Ariel Fagundes