Daptone lança compacto em vinil com Charles Bradley e Sharon Jones


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Por: Ariel Fagundes

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O já lendário selo Daptone Records anunciou que está lançando o seu 100º compacto em vinil de 45RPM.

A edição comemorativa traz no lado A a faixa “Hey Brother (Do Unto Others)”, originalmente lançada pelo grupo The Frightnrs, interpretada por vários artistas do selo, incluindo Charles Bradley, Sharon Jones, Lee Fields, Duke Amayo, Naomi Shelton e outros.


No lado B, está “Soul Fugue”, uma faixa instrumental executada pela 100 Knights Orchestra. Esse supergrupo é formado por todos os músicos de sopro que já passaram pelo selo Daptones, incluindo o Dap-Kings, que acompanhou Amy Winehouse e Sharon Jones, além do Budos Band e Antibalas.

Ouça abaixo:

O compacto sairá no dia 28 de junho em vinil preto e em uma versão especial prensada em um disco feito no formato do logotipo do Daptones Mais informações e venda no site oficial do selo.

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It is with great pride that we celebrate this milestone with you. This, Daptone’s 100th 45rpm release, features an unprecedented collaboration of talent from our legendary roster of artists. The A side, ‘Hey Brother’ is a song written by The Frightnrs and originally performed on their acclaimed rock-steady LP, Nothing More to Say. In the wake of the tragic loss of their singer, Dan Klein, to ALS just before the album’s release, we felt it to be a fitting tribute as well as an ideal composition to re-imagine as a soulful collaboration between all of our dynamic vocalists – Dan Klein, James Hunter, Naomi Shelton, Duke Amayo of Antibalas, Lee Fields, and of course the late great monarchs of our family, Charles Bradley and Sharon Jones.⁣ ⁣ What started as an ambitious thank you to you, our beloved fans, has now also become a loving tribute to the brothers and sister we've lost since its inception: Charles Bradley, Dan Klein, Cliff Driver, and our eternal Queen, Miss Sharon Jones. So, thank you, friends, for all the years you've helped us to "Keep Putting Soul Up." May this disc forever live as a token of our gratitude, and keepsake of the times when our departed loved ones shared the stage with us.⁣ ⁣ Available June 28th. Pre-order the DELUXE DAPTONE FAMILY EDITION of this momentous 45, only available from the Daptone store. Be the only kid on the block to own Daptone’s 100th on a EXCLUSIVE, LIMITED EDITION, DIE-CUT PICTURE DISC in the shape of the actual Daptone logo. Comes with extensive liner notes and includes a copy of the standard black 45 (one for the wall, one for the ball!) dressed in a custom 45 sleeve + a folded 24×36 featuring all 100 45s.⁣ Link in profile: www.daptonerecords.com ⁣ #thefrightnrs #sharonjones #antibalas #leefields #charlesbradley #thedapkings #daptone100th45 #daptonerecords⁣ ⁣

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Editor - Revista NOIZE // NOIZE Record Club // noize.com.br
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Ariel Fagundes