As Razões Para Ouvir | Girls – “Father, Son, Holy Ghost”


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Por: Revista NOIZE



E nem sei bem quando foi que eu cheguei ao Girls e a esse seu disquinho chamado Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Provável que tenha sido uma dica do Alexandre Matias ou da Babee, mas confesso que não me ative de onde veio. Sei que ficou. Bateu e bateu forte. Com tanta música de amor sendo chorada por aí, é sempre bom escutar um álbum inteirinho sobre o tema com arranjos de fazer os cabelinhos da nuca ficarem de pé.

Disco muito recomendado para rolês de bike com seu parzinho do <3 ou para um festival de sorvete em casa no meio dum domingo. Sei lá, combina com releitura de cartas de amor antigas e também com uma sonequinha no parque no horário do almoço. Faz a tua que o Girls já fez o disco, belê? Para além disso, as razões para ouvir esta bolachinha virtual são:


01) “I’ve been messing with so many girls who could give a damn about who I am… They don’t like my boney body, they don’t like my dirty hair or the stuff that I say or the stuff that I’m on”

02) “And Alex has a boyfriend… Oh well, I’m in hell. I’ll sing you a song… Would you listen to a lover’s song?”

03) “No, nothing’s gonna be alright. No, we’re all gonna get fucked up tonight” (direto assim mesmo, que se achar ruim dá pra ficar ainda mais pessimista)

04) “How can I say I love you, now that you’ve said I love you? And how can I say I need you, now that you’ve said I need you? And how can I say I want you, now that you’ve said I want you…? Now that you’ve said everything I said to you to somebody new” (nossa, que dor de cotovelo braba)

05) “Oh god, I’m tired and my heart is broken. It’s so hard to feel so all alone and so far away from home”

06) “‘Cause there’s something that I get for myself and there’s something that you give to me. Well, I got one without the other – it’s not enough to be – i need your love”

07) “It seems like nobody’s happy now, it feels like nobody’s happy now”

08) “Just a look was all it took… Suddenly I’m on the hook, it’s magic! Follow you and follow me everybody else can see… It’s madness!” (amor à primeira vista é uma loucura mesmo)

09) “Nothing’s gonna get any better if you don’t have a little hope, if you don’t have a little love in your soul”

10) “No man ever can keep that girl from moving on: easy as she comes by, easy as she’s gone”

11) “Maybe it’s all right… I mean, I went and found the modern world, but I miss the way life was when you were my girl”

12) “Too many times I’ve fallen in love just to wake up and find it all falling apart. Too many times… I guess the next time I’ll just have to give it another try”

13) Essa faixa instrumental não acrescenta muita coisa ao disco, mas pode ser bonitinha pra um vídeo teu que esteja aí sem trilha. Fica a dica.

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