Nos últimos doze anos, o DJ neozelandês Zane Lowe foi um norte para quem busca se informar sobre novas bandas na Inglaterra. Seu programa semanal na rádio BBC 1 era um dos mais ouvidos dessa emissora que detém um dos maiores índices de audiência em todo país.
Como DJ, Lowe se apresentou em festivais como o Glastonbury e Coachella acompanhando bandas como The Prodigy e Kasabian. E como radialista, ele apresentava toda semana entrevistas únicas, live sessions com artistas como o Foo Fighters e tocava as músicas desconhecidas que, em pouco tempo, estourariam no mundo todo. Tudo isso com um estilo radiofônico ímpar, que incluía mixagens ao vivo e cantaroladas sobre as músicas que tocava. Nesse tempo todo, Lowe contribuiu muito para o lançamento de bandas como Arctic Monkeys, Arcade Fire, Kendrick Lamar, Biffy Clyro, Foals, Bombay Cicycle Club, Ed Sheeran e vários outros… E, ontem, aconteceu seu último programa (ouça aqui). A última música que ele tocou foi “A Song For The Dead”, do Queens of The Stone Age.
Zane está saindo da BBC 1 para ir morar nos Estados Unidos e trabalhar na Apple. Não foi divulgada a função que ele irá exercer na empresa.
Sua partida causou um certo luto sobre dezenas de músicos que se sentiram obrigados a prestar homenagens ao DJ e locutor. Dentre eles, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Metallica, Alt-J, Adele, Chemical Brothers e CHVRCHES. Veja abaixo:
Thanks @zanelowe! #ThanksZane
— Red Hot ChiliPeppers (@ChiliPeppers) March 5, 2015
#thankszane @zanelowe
— Arctic Monkeys (@ArcticMonkeys) March 5, 2015
Thanks Zane Lowe! #ThanksZane
— Metallica (@Metallica) March 5, 2015
'Thinking of you.' #thankszane
— U2 (@U2) March 5, 2015
.@zanelowe love you like a brother. Thanks for all the good times & great music #ThanksZane
— QOTSA (@qotsa) March 5, 2015
.@zanelowe….on behalf of Rock and Roll, Thank You.
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) March 5, 2015
.@zanelowe Thanks for all the wonderful support through the years and best of luck on this new adventure #ThanksZane
— Beck (@beck) March 5, 2015
"Heard you found a job. Thanks for making ours easy. Never stop the party, @ZaneLowe. #ThanksZane
— The Killers (@thekillers) March 5, 2015
Zane your heart is bigger than rocky balboa's x @zanelowe #ThanksZane @BBCR1
— KasabianHQ (@KasabianHQ) March 5, 2015
#thankszane @zanelowe now nobody is going to play us on @BBCR1
— Royal Blood (@royalblooduk) March 5, 2015
All the best to an early champion of our music and all round good bloke @zanelowe on his last radio 1 show today #ThanksZane
— ? (alt-J) (@alt_J) March 5, 2015
.@zanelowe Thanks for all the support over the years and for persevering through those early interviews. #ThanksZane
— Bombay Bicycle Club (@BombayBicycle) March 5, 2015
@zanelowe Big love to you brother.The airwaves will not be the same without you.You'll always be part of the Biffy family.#ThanksZane
— Biffy Clyro (@BiffyClyro) March 5, 2015
Sad that it's @zanelowe last radio 1 show today. He's one of the best guys out there & has discovered/supported so many amazing bands (1/3)
— FOALS (@foals) March 5, 2015
When we released total life forever he played the full length Spanish Sahara twice in the same show. That's over 15 minutes. (2/3)
— FOALS (@foals) March 5, 2015
Cheers @zanelowe #thanksZane (3/3)
— FOALS (@foals) March 5, 2015
Zane Lowe's last show on radio 1 today. I wouldn't be where I am without him and his support, good luck with everything man, and thank you x
— Ed Sheeran (@edsheeran) March 5, 2015
Hearing the incredible @benhowardmusic I Forget Where We Were reminds me of @zanelowe, heard it there 1st #ThanksZane
— London Grammar (@londongrammar) March 5, 2015
Shout out Zane Lowe for taking that chance and playing us on the radio. Good luck for the future #ThanksZane
— JAWS (@JAWSJAWSJAWSSS) March 5, 2015
// F I R S T P L A Y E V E R // @zanelowe @BBCR1 L O V E #ThanksZane
— The 1975 (@the1975) March 5, 2015
@zanelowe The first person to play The Enemy on @BBCR1. All the best! #thankszane
— The Enemy (@theenemyband) March 5, 2015
We wouldn't have heard @wolfalicemusic without @zanelowe on @BBCR1: #ThanksZane
— CHVRCH?S (@CHVRCHES) March 5, 2015