The xx convida Cat Power e a vocal do Savages para dividir o palco


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Por: Ariel Fagundes

Fotos: Reprodução


Quem estava lá, teve sorte: nos últimos dias, o The xx dividiu o palco com Cat Power e Jehnny Beth, a vocalista do Savages.

Com Beth, eles tocaram “Infinity”, faixa do disco de estreia da banda, xx (2009), já com Cat Power a música escolhida foi “Maybe Not”, do disco dela You Are Free (2003). Tudo isso foi parte de uma série de eventos chamada Day + Night, que o The xx promoveu entre os dias 8 e 15 de março.


Nessa sequência de shows que aconteceram em Londres, o grupo também tocou com a cantora Robyn e com a London Contemporary Orchestra. Assista abaixo e veja como foi:

On Monday night we were joined by our dear friend @jehnnybeth from Savages. She told us once that she loved our song 'Infinity' so we thought it would be fun to invite her up to sing it! One thing we aspire to do with Night + Day is to bring people together, from all different types of music, so to have her join us felt very special and it was a lot of fun adding distortion to everything at the end! Thank you so much Jehnny Beth for bringing your energy onstage, we had so much fun with you! xx The xx

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Thank you so much for last night @catpowerofficial it was a real dream come true to sing with you! xx Romy xx

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Last night was so much fun! Thank you to @micalevimusic and the @lcorchestra for the beautiful music and thank you to the local young people who joined us for soundcheck, it was lovely to meet you all. xx The xx

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Editor - Revista NOIZE // NOIZE Record Club //
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Ariel Fagundes